Category Archives: Episodes

Episode 27: Interns, Internships and Getting Started

In this episode Terence and Philip are joined by Alpha Dogs’ employee Isai Espinoza in a discussion about the value of Internships to both the employer and the intern, how to get the best out of an internship, and what’s in it for the employer. In typical fashion, this quickly leads to a discussion about breaking into the business, and what it takes to make it.

Many thanks to Isai Espinoza for not only joining us for the recording but for editing the show again and making us sound smart.

Episode 26: Is cloud editing the future of editing?

Is the cloud the future of editing: with a facility cloud or a remote cloud? How will the tape shortage change delivery into the cloud? How does cloud editing work? Will the cloud be suitable for archive? Will the cloud lead to outsourcing?

(Recorded before Apple’s NAB Final Cut Pro X preview was announced to be at the Supermeet.)

Many thanks to Isai Espinoza for editing the show again and making us sound smart.

Episode 25: NAB and Final Cut Pro X

In this Episode – recorded while Philip was still in Las Vegas before the NAB Show ended – Terence and Philip share their thoughts on the sneak peek of Final Cut Pro X. The good, the bad and the questions.

Many thanks to Isai Espinoza for editing the show again and making us sound smart and for turning this around so quickly.

Episode 24: The Netflix Advantage

Terence and Philip consider the changes to the financial dynamics caused by Netflix’s funding of House of Cards. Is Netflix a new studio model?  Where’s the opportunity for innovation in programming if everything is data driven?

Philip’s NAB session on “Growing and Monetizing an Audience” is mentioned. If you want to go and haven’t yet registered register at to get the discount automatically, or at http://www.nabshow/register using the code SM08.

Late breaking – Google is also getting into the content business. (If you hit the WSJ paywall, head to and search for “Google to revamp YouTube with Channels”)

Episode 23: The tape shortage crisis and what it means

Terence and Philip start discussing the tape shortage crisis – particularly HDCAM SR – caused by the situation in Japan: is tape dead, or will it merely lead to a resurgence of D5? Who’s accepting file-based delivery, is that even practical, and who gets to drive the need for tape delivery?

Remember, “No-one ever voluntarily changes their workflow”!

Considerations of tape shortage leads to discussion on archiving non-tape sources, and the issues surrounding that. What do we do in a world with tape shortage and ever increasing costs of hard drives?

Many thanks to Isai Espinoza for editing the show again and making us sound smart.

Episode 22: Thunderbolt and Lightpeak

You’ve likely heard about the new interconnect technology called Thunderbolt now that it is released, but Lightpeak during development at Intel. With two 10 Gbit/sec channels this has some interconnect power, at budget pricing. It’ll make a big difference when momentum gathers.

We also talk about the implications for hardware design, and whether or not there will be need for a “tower” configuration in the future.

[Update 4/6] Apple sure look like they’re spreading Thunderbolt across their entire product line, not just Macs: Apple expanding Thunderbolt team for new devices equipped with high-speed ports. and Apple patents Hybrid USB 3.0/Display Port Connector. Thunderbolt connects via DisplayPort.

Many thanks to Isai Espinoza for editing the show again and making us sound smart.

Episode 21: Talking about the “new” Final Cut Pro

This is the show where we talk for twenty eight and a half minutes about a version of Final Cut Pro that neither of us have seen, nor have any real information about. We make some intelligent guesses on what to expect.

Many thanks to Isai Espinoza for editing the show and making us sound smart.

Episode 20: How good is “good enough”?

With the advent of high quality acquisition tools for relatively little money, is there really a role for the highest quality production outside of niches?

Terry and Philip have different understandings and it makes for an interesting show.

Episode 19: Starting over in a “Green field” revisited.

We originally talked about the concept of starting over in production with a Green field – no established starting points – in episode 11. In this episode we take it a little deeper as Terry and Philip revisit the subject.

Another longish show, so put on a render, pull out the snow blower or take a long walk.

Episode 18: What’s coming in 2011

In this episode Terence and Philip, with Greg Huson from Secret HQ, look forward to what we can expect in 2011.  You might want to pace yourself on this one as we’ve set a new record for show length.

What will the Microsoft Kinect be used for? Who’ll be releasing new software this year – will we see new versions of Media Composer, Final Cut Pro or Adobe Creative Suite? Will Avid open up to 3rd party hardware? What will be in those releases? Is this the year Metadata (finally) takes off?

How many movies have to not make money from 3D before the fad is over? Or will 3D TV spark 3D production? Will we see RED Epic this year and will it be a success? What will develop with large sensor cameras?

How will the collapse of State Governments affect production subsidies? Will runaway production come back to LA?

When will the tipping point come when distribution breaks out of broadcast and cable channel models? Is ivi going to be ruled legal? What’s the future of Netflix? Is a social network a replacement for channel guides?

What do we wish we could predit for this year? More use of metadata for production automation and where it comes from? What if we didn’t do a first string-out manually? This leads to a discussion of the philosophy of editing.

What will be this year’s surprise? Another DSLR? Another daVinci/Smoke on Mac?

What will happen in distribution? What’s the future of DVD Extras?

What isn’t going to happen that needs to happen?